Search Filter builder using Custom Fields

Estimated reading: 1 minute

To create Search Filter using Custom Fields Follow the steps below:

  • Go to CubeWP.
  • Click on Search Filter.
  • A new window will be open.
  • Select your post type from right side of the window.
  • Select WordPress Default Fields
  • Select your desired taxonomies

You have the options to customize the appearance of taxonomy based on your needs, such as Checkboxes, Multi-dropdowns, Dropdowns, and the option to choose Select 2 UI.

  • Enhance your filters by adding custom fields for additional data.

Note: you can add your custom fields in the search to use as filter

  • Click on “Save Changes” to apply and save your filter settings.

Search filters are OFF by default in CubeWP Setting. 

  • Go to CubeWP settings,
  • Find archive setting
  • Go to Filters
  • Click the ON button.
  • Save Settings

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To learn more about Archive Settings, Click Here