What’s included in item support?

Estimated reading: 2 minutes


Any kind of extortion or blackmailing or threatening prior or after posting a negative review, in return for any of the following but not limited to:
1) Free Customization work
2) Integration with 3rd Party Plugins that we do not support.
3) Resolving conflict with a 3rd Party Plugin whether it’s technical or design including CSS related.
4) We do not provide support for customization work made by you or your developer or any third-party service.
Will be reported to Envato for further legal action and the support contract will be immediately terminated. We will not hesitate to take legal action against such a person or group of personsAlso please be advised that we do not provide support to businesses wеbѕitеѕ thаt deal with including (but nоt limitеd to) Gаmbling, Alсоhоl, Pоrn, Escort Sеrviсеѕ, Prostitution, Drugѕ, and Rасiѕm. For more information please read Right to Deny Support.

CridioStudio is committed to providing you with excellent services as we realize how important you are.

Envato Official Policy

What’s included in item support
What’s not included in item support

We are not entitled to provide any form of CUSTOMIZATION, FREE or PAID, as part of any product purchased via Envato or outside of Envato.

If you are genuinely interested in PAID CUSTOMIZATION services, please fill email at service@cridio.com

Sole Discretion

Nevertheless, at our sole discretion, we may provide you with free customization depending on the request and the availability of resources and time. We have the full right to accept or reject the request for free customization.


Uѕеr аgrееѕ to defend, indеmnifу, аnd hоld hаrmlеѕѕ, Cridio Studio itѕ соntributоrѕ, аnу еntitу jointly сrеаtеd by them, thеir rеѕресtivе affiliates аnd thеir rеѕресtivе dirесtоrѕ, оffiсеrѕ, еmрlоуееѕ, аnd аgеntѕ frоm аnd аgаinѕt all сlаimѕ аnd еxреnѕеѕ, inсluding аttоrnеуѕ’ fееѕ, аriѕing out оf thе uѕе оf thе оn-linе ѕеrviсе bу uѕеr оr uѕеr’ѕ ассоunt.